# of watchers: 9
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| D20: 16 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
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Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-11-24 [the unseen artist]: spike droped his arms out of his selvees and turned them over. on the bottom of each was kiddy's name carved into the skin
2006-11-24 [ILY;;]: Kiddy stared at him wide eyed "What in the world did you do that for Spikey!" she took his hands softly staring at them.
2006-11-26 [the unseen artist]: "i wanted every one to know that i would die for you." Spike looked down at the ground
2006-11-26 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him a lil worried "You show that already" she looked at her ring and huged him tight.
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: spike hugged her back. "but i want to show it even when we're apart." spike closed his eyes as tears began to form in them
2006-11-27 [Chellie Bear]: Keta sat in a tree
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: ((i thought you were on another rp with me.)) Spike felt like there was someone nearby, kinda like a sixth sense
2006-11-27 [Chellie Bear]: ((...i am? hmm)) Talim sat down behind them and meowed
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: ((yep.)) Spike let go of kiddy and turned around "what the?"
2006-11-27 [Chellie Bear]: Talim meowed again
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: "hey there" Spike kenlt down and peted talim
2006-11-27 [Chellie Bear]: Talim purred and Keta sat in the tree watching and smiling holding back her laughter
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: Spike stood up and looked at keta in the tree
2006-11-27 [Chellie Bear]: Keta kept smiling and Murka jumped from the branch above Keta and landed on Ketas head
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: SPike laughted weakly at them
2006-11-27 [Chellie Bear]: Mukko jumped down andlanded on Keta's stomache and she looked at him and coughed "MUKKO LOSE SOME WEIGHT GOSH youre so heavy"
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: spike laughted at keta.
2006-11-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy walked off.
2006-11-27 [Chellie Bear]: Keta looked at him "what is so funny my cat is CRUSHING me"
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: spike turned and ran after kiddy. "kiddy!"
2006-11-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy walked on "Huh.."
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: Spike ran up beside her. "where are you going?"
2006-11-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy shruged "well you seemed happy there.."
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: "it was funny that is all. i am never happy without you."
2006-11-27 [Chellie Bear]: Keta picked Mukko up and took a deep breath "AIR" Keta looked at Mukko and laughed
2006-11-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him "Hm..."
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: "what is it kiddy?" spike looked back at her
2006-11-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy shoo her head "Nothing..."
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: "ok" spike wraped his arms around kiddy and kissed her as they walked.
2006-11-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled weakly walking along.
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: spike looked at kiddy. "something is wrong."
2006-11-27 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him "Just thinking all done now..." she smiled wide jumping on his back.
2006-11-27 [the unseen artist]: spike nearly fell over from the sudden move. "ok. what about."
2006-11-28 [ILY;;]: Kiddy held her arms round his neck and her ead on his shoulder nd legs wrapped tightly round his tummy and looked at him smiling.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: "what where you thinking about?" spike asked as he walked down the path
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at im "When?"
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: "just a minute ago. you said you were thinking." spike nearly triped
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy squeeked "Oh right Sorry..."
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: "its ok. so what was it about"
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at im "I cant remeber"((I actualy cant remeber))
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: spike smiled "ok." (lol)
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: ((heh :P)) Kiddy smiled placing her head on his shoulder
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: "so where to lady." spike asked doing his best to seem like a taxi driver
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy giggled "Spikey..."
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: Spike looked over his shoulder. "yes."
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled "What you doing..." she looked at him
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: "carrying you and waiting for you to tell me where to go." Spikes tail rubed against kiddys back
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy shivered looking back and smiled "Where ever you want to go.."
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: "how bout home?" spike smiled and his tail did a little dance with kiddy's
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled "Sure.."
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: spike walked of towards their appartment carrying kiddy happily
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled wide holding onto him.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: spike reached into his pocket and pulled out the key as he walked up the steps
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled holding tighter.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: he unlocked the door and stouped down as he entered then went up the inner stairs to their floor.
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy held on and smiled looking down the stairs.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: spike unlocked the room and went in ducking for kiddy.
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy giggled and went down his back and stood.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: "now what kiddy." spike turned to kiddy
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy shruged "Not to sure..."
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: Spike kissed kiddy on the lips
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy kissed back softly.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: spike pulled her into a hug
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy clung to him tightly.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: spike rocked on his heels
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled softly holding onto him.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: spike carryed her to a chair.
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy sat there.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: spike sat down on the floor beside the chair his back against it
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him "Why you down there?"
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: "i like the floor." spike looked up at her
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy noded and sat down and huged her knees.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: Spike did the same
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at the floor and sighed.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: SPike looked at the ceiling
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy yawned and looked at him a silent smiled came across her face.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: spike closed his eyes and became lost in his thoughts
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy got up and sighed walking into the bedroom on her own.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: Spike layed on the floor in a ball and fell into a little sleep
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at the bedroom window and began crying.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: Spike woke to low whimmpering sounds. "huh,"
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy sat on the bed and curled up crying.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: SPike walked to the door and knocked
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked up brushing her tears away "Spike..." she waved a little and sat up.
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: Spike entered and sat on the bed next to kiddy. "whats wrong"
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him "Are you sure you love me Spikey?"
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: "yes. your the only person i have ever loved, well besides my parents that is. why would you ask such a thing?" Spike took kiddy's hand
2006-11-29 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at her hands "Im just a little worried thats all..." she smiled
2006-11-29 [the unseen artist]: "you have nothing to worry about ok." spike embraced her.
2006-11-30 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him and smiled "Good."
2006-12-01 [the unseen artist]: spike kissed kiddy
2006-12-01 [ILY;;]: Kiddy placed her paw onto Spiks cheek and kissed him back softly.
2006-12-02 [the unseen artist]: spike's glasses began to fog
2006-12-02 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled and took the off him "You see a lil? Or ok?" she sat there.
2006-12-04 [the unseen artist]: "i can see fine up close." spike smiled his face blood red
2006-12-04 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled and kissed the tip of his nose "Heh.."
2006-12-04 [the unseen artist]: "i love you" spike said with a shortage of breath
2006-12-04 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled wide and tilted her head "I love you to Spike"
2006-12-04 [the unseen artist]: spikes thoughts swirled "omg..." he passd out on the bed.
2006-12-04 [ILY;;]: Kiddy yelped "Spike?! Spike!" She began to panic
2006-12-04 [the unseen artist]: spike didnt respond and his breathing was short.
2006-12-04 [ILY;;]: Kiddy screamed "SPIKE!" She ran to the kitchen and got a wet towel placing it on his head hopeing he will wake up.
2006-12-04 [the unseen artist]: spike didt wake up and his breath slowed even more
2006-12-04 [ILY;;]: Kiddy paniced she didnt know what to do after all she hadnt any practice in anything like this should couldnt do anything but wait...
2006-12-04 [the unseen artist]: 2 hours later spike came around and slowly sat up
2006-12-04 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him "Hm... You ok?"
2006-12-04 [the unseen artist]: Spike looked at her. "i think so. i got real light headed and then thats all i remember."
2006-12-04 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him "You scared me..."
2006-12-04 [the unseen artist]: "im sorry. i dont know what happened
2006-12-05 [ILY;;]: Kiddy held him close "Hm..."
2006-12-06 [the unseen artist]: spike wraped his arms around her waist.
2006-12-06 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled holding him tight.
2006-12-08 [the unseen artist]: Spike pressed his face against her stomach
2006-12-08 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled wide.
2006-12-08 [the unseen artist]: spike closed his eyes
2006-12-08 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled and yawned,.
2006-12-08 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled and yawned.
2006-12-08 [the unseen artist]: spike snuggled against kiddy and smiled letting out a sigh
2006-12-08 [ILY;;]: Kiddy stroked his hair softly smiling.
2006-12-08 [the unseen artist]: spike knocked kiddy over smileing
2006-12-08 [ILY;;]: Kiddy squeeked and giggled.
2006-12-08 [the unseen artist]: spike came up to her face and kissed her.
2006-12-08 [ILY;;]: Kiddy kissed him back softly.
2006-12-08 [the unseen artist]: spike stroked kiddys cheek
2006-12-08 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled into the kiss.
2006-12-08 [the unseen artist]: spike held kiddy tight.
2006-12-08 [ILY;;]: Kiddy nuzzeled into him.
2006-12-08 [the unseen artist]: spike cuddled her.
2006-12-08 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled wide cuddling into him.
2006-12-10 [the unseen artist]: spike closed his eyes and thanked god for giving him kiddy
2006-12-10 [ILY;;]: Kiddy yawned slightly holding on to him.
2006-12-10 [the unseen artist]: spike smiled and said a silent prayer.
2006-12-10 [ILY;;]: Kiddy fell into a light sleep holding him.
2006-12-10 [the unseen artist]: spike looked at her and decided to let her sleep
2006-12-10 [ILY;;]: Kiddy moved around a little sleepign lightly.
2006-12-11 [the unseen artist]: spike closed his eyes and fell into a light sleep
2006-12-11 [ILY;;]: Kiddy moved over and woke up in a shoke "huh..."
2006-12-11 [the unseen artist]: spike woke up "what?"
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him "I Fall Asleep?"
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: "i did to i think." spike looked back at her
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled softly "Heh.."
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: spike kisses kiddy's cheek
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled taking hold of him
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: spike laughted
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him "What you Laughing At?"
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: "its nothing"spike smile at kiddy
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy noded "okay Then"
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: "i love you" spike rested his forehead against hers
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled "Love You To." She Shut Her Eyes
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: spike looked at her and pulled free "wait right here. dont move from this spot." he ran off into his room.
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy Sat Still.
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: he came back with a small box and sat on the bed next to kiddy again
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy stared "Hm...whats that?"
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: spike opened it and took out a gold braclet "its a gift for you. sister racheal told me to give it to you"
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy stared at it "Its so pretty." she looked at Spike then back at it.
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: spike placed it on her wrist and saw the braclet that was once his and a smile came to his face
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy watched him do it up and smiled sitting crossed leged.
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: spike kissed kiddy's hand
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy giggled and kissed his cheek.
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: spike kissed her back
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled softly.
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: spike got off the bed and picked kiddy up carrying her to the bathroom. "you need a nice relaxing bath."
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy held onto him looking at him "I Do..."
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: "you seem so tence. " spike sat her down and began to run the water.
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy sat still and waited "Hm.. Ok"
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: spike turned the water off then laid out a towel and robe for kiddy. "if you need anything just call for me." spike kissed kiddys lips then walked out pulling the door to behind him.
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy kissed back and looked at the dorr Hmm Ok.. Now She Got Unchanged and steped into the bath.
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: spike went to the kitchen and put on an approan. he pulled out a pot and placed it on the stove
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy shut her eyes and tilted her head back and lay there for a while.
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: Spike went to the fridge and pulled out some vegitable and started cutting them up while humming. ((whos the wife again))
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: ((Eyyy?))
Kiddy opened her eyes a little and smiled.
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: (((is kiddy or spike the wife. cause it seems like its spike))
spike poured water in the pot and waited for it to boil "kiddy you ok"
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: ((HA LMFAO))
Kiddy looked at the door "Yeah..."
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: "ok. is soup ok for supper." spike began cutting more vegitables
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled "Sure ... when you finished doing what ever go to the door and knock... Dont Ask Why Just Do" kiddy almost confused herself.
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: "ok." spike placed the vegtables in the pot and put a lid on it. he untied the aproan then walked to the door and knocked quickly.
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy jumped "Fast.." She got out and put a towel round her and opened the door kissing him as soon as she could.
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: "i only..." spike was interupted by kiddy's kiss
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy pult back "Huh.."
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: spike shook himself "i just had to put the vegitables in the pot"
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy giggled "Right..." She kissed him again softly on the lips.
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: he kissed her back and smiled.
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy stared at him and nuzzeld into him "Your wet now.."
2006-12-13 [the unseen artist]: "it doesnt matter. i need to wash my jacket anyways." spike smiled
2006-12-13 [ILY;;]: Kiddy giggled and held onto him staring at him she couldnt move her eyes from his.
2006-12-15 [the unseen artist]: spike held his gaze and kissed her again
2006-12-15 [ILY;;]: Kiddy kissed him back soflty rolling over so he would be laying on her she kept hold of her towel.
2006-12-15 [the unseen artist]: spike smiled down and kissed her long and passiontly
2006-12-15 [ILY;;]: Kiddy put her arms round the back of his neck she kissed him deeply holding tight.
2006-12-15 [the unseen artist]: spike wraped his arms around kiddy' lifting her up slightly and breaks their kiss
2006-12-15 [ILY;;]: Kiddy stared at him and smiled rubbing her head into his neck.
2006-12-15 [the unseen artist]: spike brushed the hair out of her face and nuzzled her neck
2006-12-15 [ILY;;]: Kiddy smiled softly holding him tight.
2006-12-15 [the unseen artist]: spike closed his eyes and caught his head
2006-12-15 [ILY;;]: Kiddy looked at him "aRe You Ok?"
2006-12-15 [the unseen artist]: spike shook his head. "voices*
2006-12-15 [ILY;;]: ((I Swear You Fuck This Wiki Up Al Kill You Matt)) Kiddy Looked At Him "Hmmm?2 She Tilted Her Head.
2006-12-15 [the unseen artist]: ((i wont meya. god)) spike let go. "its nothing." he kissed her cheek
2006-12-15 [ILY;;]: ((Yeah Well You Bring Voices Into Spike Now.. God!! You!!))
Kiddy smiled holding him tight and nuzzeled him.
2006-12-15 [the unseen artist]: ((no he heard something. and it wasnt in his head.)) spike smiled at kiddy and rolled over onto his side
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